
The Department of Neurology provides care to patients with diseases of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system, and muscle- related diseases and conditions utilising state- of-the-art technology and a world-class medical team.
It includes the following disciplines:

Clinical Psychology
x Cerebrovascular Diseases (Stroke) Centre
x Epilepsy Centre
x Headache Service
x Movement Disorders and Gait Service
x Neuromuscular Service
x Comprehensive Neuro Rehabilitation
x Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory
x Speech Therapy
x Sleep Medicine

Diagnostic services include:

x Non-invasive vascular testing
x Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
x Functional magnetic resonance imaging
x Cerebral angiograph
x Nerve conduction study
x Electromyography (EMG)
x Electroencephalography (EEG)
x Polysonnography (sleep study)